Samantha’s Lesson from the Oyster

Lesson from the oyster!

I’ve got a pair of pearl earrings from a family on Christmas: It reminds me of one of the favourite parables told by Jesus….

Do you know how a pearl is formed?

The most extraordinary chemistry will take place when an irritant intrude into the shell of the oyster. Irritants can be dust, sand or any alien objects that makes the oyster feels uncomfortable and causes painful feeling. The feeling is just like when dust gets into our eyes. So, when the oyster cannot get rid of them, it will produce nacre to shield itself from irritation. This layer after layer of nacre will eventually become a pearl.

Lesson I learn from the oyster?

And if there are irritations (the uncomfortable pain and suffering) in our lives today, there is only one prescription! That is to make a lovely pearl out of it!!!

The purest pearl among the pearls!

The bible tells that Jesus is the great and perfect pearl of all pearls. He went through tremendous sufferings, pains and tribulations and was betrayed and put to death by his own people. And yet he is without sin. Remember what the last words he has spoken? “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. Even at this last hour, he has such a forgiving and concerning heart for the people. This record in the bible is the most touching part I have ever read.

Jesus is pure and holy in the Father’s eyes. So does his life. Are we willing to go through all the irritations like Jesus and that make us into a lovely and pure pearl?

Let us aim to become like Jesus. Let us walk through the irritations in life and yet they make us into a pure and genuine pearl.